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Pepperdine Shooting Drill

Pepperdine Shooting Drill

The Pepperdine shooting drill is an excellent workout that takes 20 minutes and also serves as a great conditioner for your players. We have found that this is a great off-season workout for our players.


1) Game Speed

2) Practice Great Form

3) Follow Your Shot

4) Concentrate / Compete

5) Finish Plays

How it Works

This is a 20 minute shooting series that is timed from the very first attempt by the player. The goal of this workout is to simulate game speed conditions, work on shots from various spots on the floor, and find out who your shooters are. Each player must follow the progression below. This works great with a partner so the shooter has someone to count for them.


The player must hit over 60 3’s to shoot 3’s in a game; otherwise there is a two miss limit in games.

60-89 makes = can shoot open 3’s / with great shot selection

90+ makes = can shoot 3’s anytime you are open except late game situations.

The Drill: (Start the clock at 20 minutes)

1) Mikan Drill – right handed lay-up and left handed lay-up. Make 20

*The ball cannot hit the floor! If it hits, start over!  After 20 makes move to next drill.

2) Around the World – must be made shots in the following order:

*The ball cannot hit the floor on a miss! If it hits, start over! If you catch a miss before it hits the ground, move on to the next spot.

  • Right block

  • Left block

  • Mid-lane right side

  • Mid-lane left side

  • Right elbow

  • Left elbow

  • Free Throw

3) Elbow Lay-ups – Start on the right side. One dribble in, make the shot, then one dribble out to left elbow. Right hand on right side, Left hand on left side. Make 20.

*The ball cannot hit the floor on a miss! If it hits, start over! If you catch a miss before it hits the ground, move on to the next spot.

4) Around the World (Again) Same rules as above

5) Five in a row from one elbow (Rebound your own shot)

6) 3’s until time is finished (Rebound your own shot)

  1. Less than 60 = 2 miss limit in games

  2. 60-89 = can shoot open 3’s – with great shot selection

  3. 90+ = Green light – can shoot 3’s anytime you are open except late game situations.


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